In celebration of the 20th anniversary of ENCoRE the ENCoRE conference (on 23 May 2018) preceding the General Assembly (24-25 May 2018) will be devoted to: The Impact of Conservation-Restoration Education on the Development of the Profession Papers are invited on topics related to the developments in past decades including current trends. Some suggested topics are: • Conservation methods developed in educational institutions • Aesthetic approaches in the CR education • The balance between theory and practice • The influence of financial/political pressure on educational institutions • The role of CR-institutions in education of related heritage professions (transversal skills) • The impact of PhD studies The Abstract must be submitted by 12 February 2018 to Abstracts should describe original, unpublished work. Abstracts must be written in ENGLISH and contain the following information: • Author(s) full name • Contact author • Affiliation • Telephone number • E-mail address • Title of the paper • Key words • Abstract (max. 500 Words) Selected papers will be published in a special edition in celebration of the 20 years of ENCoRE. Final deadline for handing in papers for publication will be Sunday 1 July. The papers will go through an editorial process for final selection of publication. Abstracts must be submitted in Word Format. After the evaluation of the proposed contributions and the selection of papers the program will be announced March 2018. We hope to receive interesting papers demonstrating the various approaches and strategies academic research based teaching may take, dealing with integrated teaching of practical topics (“practice”) and theory as well as with rather theoretical topics. You are kindly asked to distribute this call for papers amongst interested colleagues – thank you in advance for your support. The ENCoRE Conference as well as the General Assembly will be hosted by the University of Torino (Italy) at the SUSCOR – SCHOOL IN SCIENCES FOR CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE. The School is located in the Center for Conservation Restoration at Venaria Reale, Torino More Info here