During the last three months, the E.C.C.O.s Committee Members have been working very hard developing several strategies to defend the Role of the Conservator-Restorer in Europe. We have been focused in different meetings, congress and networks at a European Level and also supporting representative meetings at a National Level. All this activity attending meetings is always accompanied by the preparation of drafts and documents to present to the participants, and in the last years the E.C.C.O. Committee has done a great effort to translate and adapted into a Cultural Heritage Policies all Documents produced related to the Conservator-Restorer, and into a management vocabulary and meanings. July July 26th-27th – National Museum of Natural History, Lisbon (Portugal), Organized by ARP – Associação Profissional de Conservadores-restauradores de Portugal, E.C.C.O.s President Susan Corr has joining the debate about the legal structures for the recognition of the profession. She has highlighted the work in the Council of Europe as an Observer in the CDCPP (management committee on landscape, heritage and culture) and the participation in the development of a European strategic plan for the Cultural Heritage sector to clarify the functions and essential professional in the protection and appreciation of Cultural Heritage. June 23th –24th June – StuCo 2018 International Colloquium for Students and Interns Academy of Fine Arts Dresden (HfBK), organized by the German Association of Conservator-Restorers (VDR), E.C.C.O.s Secretary General Anja Romanowski (VDR, Germany) has taken part, presenting a paper about the Competences and invited at the Round Table Discussion. For more information: https://www.restauratoren.de/event/stuco-2018-international-colloquium-for-students-and-interns/ 18th – 24th June – EYCH 2018, European Heritage Summit, attended by the E.C.C.O.s Secretary General Anja Romanowski (VDR, Germany) For more information: http://european-cultural-heritage-summit.eu/ 7th June 2018, Council of Europe, Plenary session of CDCPP in Strasbourg, has been attended under the Observer Status by E.C.C.O.s President Susan Corr (ICRI, Ireland) and the Vice President Sebastian Dobrusskin (SKR-SCR, Switzerland) The Steering Committee on Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) held its 7th annual plenary session in Strasbourg on 6-8 June. The agenda was rich and was interspersed by talks from eminent experts on topical subjects such as culture and artificial intelligence, and Heritage at risk: achievements, strategy and future directions. The Committee discussed the Draft Recommendation on culture’s contribution to strengthening the internet as an emancipatory force, and the Draft Recommendation contributing to the implementation of the European Landscape Convention: creation of public funds for landscape. List of decisions here: https://rm.coe.int/steering-committee-for-culture-heritage-and-landscape-cdcpp-list-of-de/16808c8fbc 4th-5th June – Voices and Culture and Heritage – EYCH 2018, 5th Stakeholder Meeting in Brussels, attended by the E.C.C.O.s Secretary General Anja Romanowski (VDR, Germany). For further information: https://www.voicesofculture.eu/special-call-voices-of-culture-and-heritage/ May 29th – 30th May 2018 “Cherishing heritage: developing quality standards for EU-funded projects that have the potential to impact on cultural heritage” Workshop Quality Standards “best practice”, in Paris, David Aguilella Cueco (DAC) has taken part as an external expert for E.C.C.O. 24th -25th May 2018 General Assembly and celebration of 20th anniversary of ENCoRE in Turin, has been attended by the E.C.C.O.s Vice President Sebastian Dobrusskin (SKR-SCR, Switzerland), and also has presented a paper. For further information: http://www.encore-edu.org/ENCoRE-documents/e-newsletter/EncoreE-newsletter2-2018.pdf 23th-25th May 2018 – Open Method Coordination in Skills, training and knowledge transfer in Heritage Professions, Chaired by E.C.C.O.s Deputy Secretary Ana Galán Pérez (ACRE, Spain) and as a Voices of Culture representative, the Committee Member Elis Marçal (ARP, Portugal).The 5th meeting of the “group of experts from EU member states on skills, training and knowledge transfer in traditional and emerging heritage professions” took place in Mariestad and Gothemburg, Sweden. 15 experts from 12 EU countries met to exchange good practices and design policy recommendations on heritage professions in the tangible, intangible and digital cultural heritage field. For further information: https://europa.eu/cultural-heritage/news/collecting-good-practices-heritage-professions_hu