ENCoRe Call for abstracts

Conservation 360° Volume 3 : ‘Education and Pedagogy in Conservation’

Conservation-restoration is a rather young profession and has gained in recognition by organising itself through professional associations as well as conferences and publications. The recognition of the profession goes hand in hand with the recognition of its education.
As the profession, the education of conservator-restorers is constantly changing and is at the heart of the safeguard of cultural heritage. Conservation-restoration is directly linked to the diversity of cultural heritage and culture itself as is its education.
The education in C-R is situated in different cultures and countries and in different education settings ranging from art schools to universities, from apprentice to PhD degrees, which all have their challenges and specificities when it comes to teaching.
Conservation education is multidisciplinary and educational programs include traditionally science, art history, technical art history and practical training. However new knowledge and challenges in our field have an impact on C-R education and teaching new competences such as communication skills, research skills, digital, engineering, and design competences are on the rise in C-R education programs as are ongoing learning programs in the form of seminars and workshops.
This issue of Conservation 360° wants to put a spotlight on the education and pedagogy in conservation-restoration, its history, its diversity, its emergence in under-represented countries, the competences taught, the pedagogical tools used, as well as on teaching under difficult circumstances such as the ongoing pandemic.

The volume will include invited guests and submitted contributions on topics such as:
-History of education in conservation-restoration
-Emergence of conservation-restoration training programs in under-represented countries
-Role of traditional areas in the conservation-restoration education like practice, natural sciences, art and technical art history and of rising areas like engineering, design, digital literacy and computer science, and of cross-cutting areas like communication skills and team-working.
-Social and environmental sustainability in conservation-restoration education
-Competences at the different degree levels: their distinction and the effect on employability
-Didactical strategies to teach conservation-restoration (all domains)
-The use of real objects and case studies versus reconstructions and mock-ups in the conservation-restoration education
-External internships in conservation-restoration training programs
-Evaluation of the acquisition of the expected competences: exam typology, evaluation criteria, rubrics.
-Hybrid and remote teaching and learning: what should stay after the pandemic?

The editors of Conservation 360º invite potential contributors interested in publishing in this collection to submit a 500-words abstract to the publisher’s website:
For further information please contact the publisher at : edicion@editorial.upv.es
If you are interested but not certain about your contribution, please consult the editors.

Contact details for authors interested in submitting a chapter:
Giovanna di Pietro dipietro@hkb.bfh.ch
Nico Broers nico@saint-luc.be
Laura Fuster-López laufuslo@crbc.upv.es
Giovanna Di Pietro is professor of physics at the Department of Conservation and Restoration of the Bern University of the Arts, Switzerland. She holds a master degree in physics from the University of Milano and a PhD in physical chemistry from the University of Basel. She has more than 20 years of experience in the field of cultural heritage and, beside her research activity ranging from microclimate to air pollution and to conservation of archaeological organic objects, she has focussed her work on the development of didactics of conservation science and of the curriculum for conservators-restorers.
Nico Broers is a professor in the department of Conservation-Restoration of Works of Art at the Ecole Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc in Liège and has been working in the public and private sector since 2003. He is co-founder of ARTBEE Conservation and is a member of the editorial board of CeROArt since its creation in 2007. He is affiliated with the AAP research unit of the ULiège and is a member of the board of the European Network for Conservation-Restoration Education (ENCoRE) as well as the board of the Professional Association of Art Conservators in Belgium (APROA/BRK)

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