Recommendations from the European Commission – safeguarding of Cultural Heritage in Ukraine

Recommendations from the European Commission-led expert group on the safeguarding of cultural heritage in Ukraine 

As envisaged in the 2023–2026 EU work plan for culture, the European Commission set up the Expert Group on the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage in Ukraine. The objectives of the group were the following:
– to bring about exchanges of experience and good practice in the field of
damage prevention, preparedness and recovery of cultural heritage after
man-made or natural disasters that may be relevant to Ukraine;
– to advise and assist the Commission in compiling a set of lessons learnt
and recommendations from recovery processes relevant to the prevention,
preparedness and recovery of cultural heritage in Ukraine.
The group was officially launched during its first meeting on 12 June 2023 and the outcome of its work is now available to the public.

E.C.C.O. is one of the collaborating experts and our documents are part of the recommended bibliography.

Read the full document here

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