Captura de Pantalla 2022-04-24 a las 11.52.26

Commitee Meeting

Saturday 14th May 2022

General Assembly

Sunday 15th May 2022

After 2 years of restricted travelling the European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers’ Organisations (E.C.C.O.) is delighted to announce that the General Assembly and the Presidents’ Meeting will be held in Athens, Greece.

The venue is organized by our Greek member association ACAWA (Association of Conservator-Restorers of Antiquities and Works of Art). ACAWA was founded in 1985 and has more than 600 members, all professional Conservator-Restorers.

The General Assembly will follow the usual structure, which you can find in the preliminary Agenda sent to the E.C.C.O. members.

Any questions? send us and email to

E.C.C.O. Committee, Galway, Ireland 2021

Presidents Meeting

Monday 16th May 2022

This year the Presidents’ Meeting will have as a theme:

“Achievements and directions in the field of Conservation-Restoration for the sustainable development of Cultural Heritage”.

E.C.C.O.’s member organizations will come together to present their current national status in the protection of the title “Conservator-Restorer” and the regulation of the profession, while opening the discussion on the future of Conservator-Restorers for the sustainable development of Cultural Heritage.

The presentations of the presidents in the morning will be followed in the afternoon by invited speakers to address the future challenges in the preservation of Cultural Heritage. The talks will cover topics such as the sustainability in Cultural Heritage with its influence of climate change and the role of conservation-restoration, the challenges of decolonization and the social issues of preservation on CH, as well as future perspectives in the field.

The meeting will be concluded by a round table discussion with the participation of all members.

ACAWA-GR Conference

Tuesday 17th May 2022

On the occasion of the presence of the European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organisations (E.C.C.O.) in Athens, we are pleased to announce the 1st European one-day conference on the protection of the Conservation-Restoration (CR) profession.

“Ensuring high quality in safeguarding Cultural Heritage - The vital importance of protecting the title and regulating the profession of Conservation-Restoration in Europe”

♦ If you wish to participate physical or on line please fill in the registration form

♦ Download the Program and Booklet of Abstracts of the Conference here

The aim is to present the legal framework in different European countries, which are also members of E.C.C.O., for the protection of the title and the regulation of the CR profession. The main goal of the conference is to present different existing legislations and regulations at national level in order to identify the minimum requirements for the protection of the title and the profession at European level. Moreover, emphasis will be placed on identifying potential areas of improvement.

  • Time: 9:00-17:30
  • Venue: Acropolis Museum, Amphetheater


General Assembly 2019, Zagreb, Croatia E.C.C.O.& HRD, Croatian Conservation-Restoration Association
General Assembly 2014, Bolzano, Italy E.C.C.O. & Verband der Restauratoren-Konservatoren Südtirols. Associazione Restauratori-Conservatori Alto Adige
In Memory of Verena Mumelter Piller.



Presidents meeting 2018, La Valleta, Malta. E.C.C.O.& MAPCo-Re, The Malta Association of Professional Conservator-Restorers
Presidents Meeting 2016, Berlin, Germany. E.C.C.O.& VDR, Verband der Restauratoren e.V.
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