Next 30th of November 2019, E.C.C.O.s Committee will join the Round table: “From the Contemporary Culture to the Cultural Heritage: dialogues between the world of creation and conservation in Europe”. Arranged by the Conservation-Restoration Department from the MNCARS (Madrid, Spain), in collaboration with ACRE, E.C.C.O. and GEIIC, addressed to professionals, researchers, students and Conservation-Restoration, Art History, Scientific and student field’s organizations as well as Contemporary Art Conservation-Restoration field’s stakeholders. Given the connexions and the necessary dialogues stablished with artists from the Conservation-Restoration profession, the discussion’s main axis will concentrate on the interaction between the Contemporary Culture and those who conserve and restore it, and how essential synergies for the actual creation dynamics, to be understood and valued as Cultural Heritage throughout these afore mentioned processes, are created. When it is about to conserve actual Heritage, every other factor is crucial: artists, conservators-restorers and art historians, these last ones identifying and testifying the chronicle between the two first ones’ communication. Held in 2018, the European Year of Cultural Heritage’s legacy promotes the Conservation-Restoration professionals to be visualised not only by means of Art and Heritage bases and materiality protection, Contemporary in this instance, but also as a platform in order to communicate and to convey intangible values as authenticity, accessibility, sustainability and identity. This Round Table’s aim is to find out experiences around Europe concerning these dialogues between artists and professionals, providing ideas and working procedures, and giving the opportunity during speaking time to concerns transmission within the Contemporary Art Conservation frame. The Round Table will rely on members from the eleven European countries participating in E.C.C.O.’s Committee, the MNCARS Restoration Department, ACRE and GE-IIC as discussion moderators.
- Venue: Sabatini Room Auditorium MNCARS – Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid (Spain)
- Day: 30th of November 2019
- Time: 15:30 PM – 17:00 PM
- Language: English (Simultaneous translation in waiting)
- Attendees: specially addressed to Cultural Heritage professionals concerned about the proposed dialogues and furthermore interested in connecting with the E.C.C.O.’s European Delegates.
- Free entrance until complete capacity.