Webinar #06: Arts & Humanities IPERION HS

An overview of what IPERION HS can offer to the Arts & Humanities Community

Follow the webinar with Stefan Belishki, Vice-President of E.C.C.O. Delegate of ACB, Association of Conservator-restorers in Bulgaria #ECCOCommunity #EuropeanDaysConservationRestoration

The webinar takes place online and will introduce participants to the field of Heritage Science facilities in IPERION HS, a European project devoted to building a distributed research infrastructure in the field of Heritage Science: E-RIHS 
The focus will be placed on what IPERION HS can offer to the Arts & Humanities community and how IPERION HS can answer to the heritage needs.

12th October 2021 at 3 pm (CET) – add to calendar

[Resource and registration: IPERION website]

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