The European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance CHARTER launched its CHARTER Community programe for external stakeholders interested in connecting and engaging with the Erasmus+ project.
The CHARTER Community represents the first step for creating the future sustainable and resilient alliance the project will provide by its end in 2024. The community seeks to join forces with different actors in the cultural heritage sector who want to establish a connection with CHARTER and support its mission and goals.
There are two levels of engagement to be chosen. CHARTER Supporters are expected to help the project’s dissemination and visibility, endorsing its results and developments within their own network of contacts. CHARTER Contributors will support dissemination but will additionally share a case study or best-practice document for the project’s research groups.
The CHARTER Community members will become part of the project’s list of interested stakeholders, receiving first-hand updates and calls-to-action, and may be consulted for information/feedback, surveys and participation in the future. Both Supporters and Contributors will receive logos, banners and a communication-kit.
If you wish to become a member of the CHARTER Community, access the following link and fill in the webform.
• Learn more about CHARTER Alliance:
• Subscribe to the newsletter: