E.C.C.O. Activities for EYCH2018
On visibility: It is essential that the role of the conservator-restorer, both in the protection of cultural heritage and as a critical tool in the sustainable access and use of cultural heritage, is heard and made explicit at European level. Conservation-restoration of our cultural heritage needs to be promoted.
On Profile: E.C.C.O. works for the mutual recognition of the professional conservator-restorer across Europe and to this end has produced the professional competences which are a key tool in achieving this. Having a profession that speaks unanimously on what constitutes a conservator-restorer in Europe is a powerful tool. The competences are also important in the delivery of education as they inform Learning Outcomes and E.C.C.O. continues to liaise closely with ENCoRE.
On Relevancy: the work of the conservator-restorer is in the public interest. The conservator-restorer, because of their specific education and training intervenes directly on the cultural heritage and can change it.
FORWARD – Forum wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Restaurierung und Denkmalpflege
Berlin / Germany
VDR – German Association of Conservator-Restorer
In preparation of EYCH 2018: VDR presents a platform of interdisciplinary exchange of experiences among experts in Conservation of Cultural Heritage
National / international
www.restauratoren.de / info@restauratoren.de
Symposium “Trompe-l’oeil – Illusion und Wirklichkeit”
Cologne / Germany
VDR – German Association of Conservator-Restorers in cooperation with three German speaking associations from South- Tyrol, Austria and Switzerland
Cooperation on transnational level with other German speaking associations of Conservation-Restoration, exchange how to raise awareness in public for Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage
www.restauratoren.de / info@restauratoren.de
European Day of Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage
Conservator-Restorers invites to visits of their working places: in museums ateliers, private studios, university studios and conservation-restoration sites in monuments. Conservator-Restorers will explain their actual conservation-restoration projects with case studies for the public.
The European Day of Conservator-Restorer
- Aims to raise awareness of the key role of conservation-restoration in safeguarding cultural heritage with policy makers and civil society (public).
- Serve as knowledge sharing of the complex activity of this discrete profession as applied science which includes humanities, natural science and intervenes with a code of ethics in manifold fields of Cultural Heritage.
- Point out the respect and discovery of the values for society through the interventions beyond artists and crafts for ensuring the integrity of the material witness to guarantee the authenticity of cultural heritage for identification process of the individual.
- Make transparent the international quality standards of the profession on this high level of competences for safeguarding Cultural Heritage through member associations in 22 European states.
- Clarifies how this expertise is crucial for a sustainable tourism and a catalyst for innovation in science for heritage.
The European Week of Conservation-Restoration will accompany from Monday to Saturday (08-14/10/2018) in social media to highlight the European Day of Conservation-Restoration which will happen on the following Sunday.
This European Week of Conservation-Restoration aims
- To bring Europe’s Cultural Heritage, history and shared values closer to people
- Engage the younger generation in the care of cultural heritage
- To highlight special themes in conservation-restoration which are important in the preservation of Cultural Heritage as Authenticity, Awareness, Access, Sustainability
In Preparation of the European Week of Conservation-Restoration a European Wikipedia Project: The European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organizations will be launched in 01/2018
On line database about the History of E.C.C.O., the publications developed as the European Framework of Competences.
“Caring for our past, sharing for our future”
E.C.C.O. Presidents’ Meeting
Valetta / Malta, European Capital of Culture 2018
Exchange of projects concerning EYCH and Conservation-Restoration with Presidents of 25 member associations in 22 countries with the main aims:
- Cooperation with international partners and organizations
- Platform for the international transfer of knowledge
- Exchange of experience and open communication with other disciplines and organisations nationally and internationally
- Cross-border exchange of culture and cultural heritage in terms of international relations, education and the preservation of cultural heritage as well as an expression of identity and cultural diversity
- Dialogue with the European Qualifications Framework and promoting lifelong learning, education and further education
- Extension of competence
- Improvement how to integrate the younger generation into the understanding, the knowledge and the responsibility of preservation and conservation-restoration of Cultural Heritage
- Maintenance and strengthening of international relations in Conservation-Restoration an d the broader field of cultural heritage
- Creation and use of synergies and best practices
- Promotion of legal regulation and recognition of the profession due to the public interest, the unique character of the cultural heritage and the importance for society
- Improve the mobility and transfer of knowledge through the recognition of qualifications across borders
- Harmonization of qualifications by joint competence standards
E.C.C.O. Conference in Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage
E.C.C.O. Conference about the different projects concerning EYCH by 25 member organisations from 22 countries
www.ecco-eu.org / info@ecco-eu.org
Conservation Ethics today
Florence / Italy
ICOMOS / E.C.C.O. / Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco
Focus on the relationships between theory and practice of conservation-restoration in the field of heritage preservation, considering the challenges of the twenty-first century.
www.icomos.org /
TRAMA Project
Spain / Portugal
On line
ACRE / ARP – Spanish and Portuguese Associations of Conservator-Restorers
Actions related to the promotion of the Cultural Heritage Restored, involving the conservator-restorers with society: rural and urban population, children, teenagers and adults, through formal and non- formal education.
- The project aims to be a preventive tool for the conservation based on the awareness of our heritage, with special emphasis on rural communities, to ensure the conservation of our heritage which is sometimes kept without being aware of its value. The offer of patrimonial education is based on this idea of social awareness by means of participatory and leisure activities, games and activities related with characters and historical events, aimed to the identification of the local heritage and the value it brings.
- This Project aims to take profit of the European Cultural Heritage Year (ECHY 2018), to take advantage of the publicity that will be given to actions related to the promotion of heritage and tries to reach all kind of people: rural and urban population, children, teenagers and adults, formal and non- formal education. For this purpose we have the structure of national association of ACRE, from Spain, and the collaboration of ARP, from Portugal, both national professional restorer associations, with members all over the Iberian peninsula.
International – Spain Portugal